City, cities:
• Cash economy—as opposed to barter economy
• Class, ethnic, economic, linguistic and cultural diversity
• Communications!
• Concentrated housing—esp vertical concentration
• Education on all levels, particularly university and technical
• Home of the middleclass!
• Home of the middleperson—the broker
• Major arts events; major sports events
• Medical centers
• Multiculturalism; transculturalism
• Habitual, deliberate, intentional and purposeful [how many more adjectives would you like to describe this activity?] contact with entities outside of itself
Ghetto of any kind and every type (my apologies for writing this down without a source):
"Nothing much goes in or out of it that wasn't there the day before."Another list, from the same time, same place:
Body Image, where:
- body,
- mind,
- psyche,
- spirit and
- culture
- mental,
- physical,
- emotional and
- spiritual.